The Power Of A Charged Sleep
A part of my job entails a fair amount of driving up and down the country, spending time away from my own bed and foregoing the comforts of home for the artificially created comforts of a hotel room.
My comforts at home are simple and obviously tailored to my own needs and necessities; the kettle is positioned in my kitchen at the closest point to the bedroom; the cushions on my sofa are always where my back needs them to be. You get the idea.
Perhaps most importantly though, my bedside table has my lamp and space for my phone. And as with most mobile phones, it requires charging more often than not. With this in mind, you would expect a power source to be within the length of my charging cable. And at home, this is exactly the case.
In this day and age of constant and continuous connectivity, you would – in my opinion – expect this simple requirement to be fulfilled in the homes-from-home that I and countless others have come to call them.
Alas, this thinking is majoritively far fetched and fantastical. Of all the hotels only a child’s handful have provided me with a power socket within a metre of the nearest surface on which I can balance my modest handset.
Which is why I should offer praise to Premier Inn in Coventry city centre. Those three magic holes, neatly hidden away just inches from the bedside table, have brought me more joy than the barman who asked me for ID earlier (who upon quick math exclaimed “oh, wow”).
I can proudly rest my phone – with alarm set – just an arms distance away from me knowing that come the morning, it will be charged and the buzzing will wake me from my slumber, just close enough for me to hit the snooze button and relax once more into slumberous contentment.
Pet hate of mine is hotels which don’t have power sockets near the bed… and as you rightly note, the majority don’t. I’ve noticed it tends to be newer build hotels which do though, as I think the companies have finally figured out that people want this…