Marcelo Crivella Quote

Books like this need to be wrapped in black sealed plastic with a content warning displayed on the outside.
More… Marcelo Crivella

This is the first quote I have allowed to be published on this site that is not positive. The fact a person of authority is allowed to say such a thing, publicly while in office, is a disgrace to the office they serve.

The book Marcelo Crivella was discussing was an illustration in a Marvel comic, depicting two males embraced in a kiss.

Marcelo Crivella is the Mayor of Rio de Janeiro. A Brazilian judge has blocked the Mayor’s attempt to ban the comic book from sale.

I am not Brazilian, I am yet to travel to Rio, but I do wonder, is heterosexual porn wrapped in black sealed plastic? You know, the kind of disgusting porn where a man and woman lovingly embrace and lock lips in a moment of pure passion.

I hope my sarcasm, although vitriolic, is understood.