A Glass For All

I didn’t publish my glass of scotch to Facebook this year, it felt a little inappropriate given everything that is happening in the world right now. This year is the fifth since my brother passed – and I do like to remember with a wee dram – but of course so much is happening…

It has been a tough year so far. In fact, it has been a tough week, but that is selfish for me to say. My tough week has been dealing with work things, which in the wider context is basically nothing. But without doubt, probably the toughest week I’ve had since joining the company I currently work for.

Elsewhere though, it has been without question a week year of heroes up and down this land, and the land of others the world over. We currently live in tough times, and times when we need to make sure our love is known to others and shared without question or hesitation.

But this past week… this past fucking week. Well, in fact, this past fucking year*, it is proving tough. Three people I know have gone, submitting themselves to peace. In addition, two families I have connection with have also lost loved ones. All gone too early, but all leaving love behind them in their tracks.

I did post my glass my glass of scotch – of course I did – but I chose not to share. But what I will share, what I will do, is raise a glass and listen to some rock. It’s what I like to do. And there’s nothing wrong with a skinny bloke in the ’70s banging a tambourine against his bare chest in impressively tight jeans while belting out a banger.

The sun will shine again. Just give it time.

*And I mean, just 2021. Sad as it is, those who I have lost have come recently. At a point when they shouldn’t have, but of course, at a point when they did. Honestly, I have so much to say, but alas, not the time. Raising a glass, saying cheers, and hoping next week is better.